Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How to reuse your orange peels
Have an abundance of orange peels? Instead of tossing them in the organic bin or dispose, they’ve an abundant uses around the home. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Rub the inside of the orange peel on light bulbs and radiators. Once they’re flipped on, they’ll emit a fresh scent throughout your home.

  • Make easy orange-scented cleaner by emptying a large jug and filling it up with water. Add peels and let the mixture sit for a few weeks, shaking occasionally. Use this mop floors, dust furniture, and clean your counter tops.
  • Soak peels with vinegar or vodka for a few weeks for flavored, cost-efficient versions of your staple ingredients or drinks.
  • Rub on your nails for easy shine.
  • Keep them on hand for when you go camping; they’re great fire starters! You can also use them in your home fireplace.
  • Use dried peels to make sachets and potpourri.
  • Scatter them in your garden to discourage cats from using it as a personal litter box – cats aren’t too citrus-savvy. Not just for cats, the oil in orange peels are a natural insect repellent. Rub a fresh orange peel on your skin to deter mosquitoes.
  • Dry the peels and grind them to a powder. Shake in your bath water for ultimate skin-glow bliss.
  • Soak a few peels in a cup of warm water, then puree until smooth. Pour into anthills to prevent infestation.
  • Boil a couple peels on the stove with other strong, Christmas-y scents like cloves and a cinnamon stick, for instant home fragrance.

Thanks to the person who has pass this useful tips via email.....cheers

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Always forgot the auspicious words for LoHei, better drop it down :

Step 1: All at the table offer New Year greetings.Words: Gong xi fa cai meaning "congratulations for your wealth" or wan shi ru yi 万事如意meaning "may all your wishes be fulfilled".

Step 2: Fish, symbolising abundance or excess through the year, is added. Words: Nian nian you yu 年年有余and you yu you sheng有余有.

Step 3: The pomelo is added over the fish, adding both luck and auspicious value.Words: Da ji da li 大吉大. Pepper is then dashed over the ingredients in the hope of attracting more money and valuables.Words: Zhao cai jin bao 招财进宝. Then oil is poured, circling the ingredients to increase all profits 10,000 times and to encourage money to flow in from all directions.Words: Yi ben wan li 一本万利and cai yuan guang jin财源广进.

Step 4: Carrots are added to the fish, indicating blessings of good luck.Words: Hong yun dang tou 红运当头. Then the shredded green radish is placed on the fish, symbolising eternal youth.Words: Qing chun chang zhu 青春常住. Next, the shredded white radish is added for prosperity in business and promotion at work.Words: Feng sheng shui qi 风生水起and bu bu gao sheng 步步高升.

Step 5: The condiments are finally added. First, peanut crumbs are dusted on the dish, symbolising a household filled with gold and silver. As an icon of longevity, peanuts also symbolise eternal youth.Words: Jin yin man wu 金银满屋. Sesame seeds quickly follow symbolising a flourishing business.Words: Sheng yi xing long 生意兴隆. Deep-fried flour crisps in the shape of golden pillows are then added with wishes that literally translate to mean the whole floor would be filled with gold.Words: Pian di huang jin 片地黄金.

Step 6: All toss the salad & Lo hei